Sentrifugo configuration problem

Sentrifugo envelops the most efficient human resource modules and features. It is easy to setup and flexible to configure with an intuitive interface.

Sometimes Sentrifugo configuration stuck by showing configuration panel grayed out.

That might be because of Apache or MYSQL log files become too huge to write any log into that files.

So, Just rename them.

For Example rename error.log to error_log.

And restart apache and mysql services on XAMP, try to configure again.

I hope this will solve the problem.

Changing http webservice into https in Delphi using self signed ssl certificate

  • Creating SSL certificate


  1. Getting Open SSL installer

Download openssl installer from following URL based on you operating system version (32 bit or 64 bit)


We get  WinXXOpenSSL-1_0_2h.exe.  Install this. You will get folder in c drive called OpenSSL-Win64.


  1. Command prompt


Run command prompt as administrator


Type these commands at prompt


Cd OpenSSL-WinXX


Then you should get prompt like this



Type the following command to create the ssl files (cert.pem,and


C:\OpenSSL-WinXX> Openssl req  –x509  –newkey  rsa:2048  –keyout  key.pem  –out  cert.pem  –days XXX


Then you will get following screen enter the pass phrase


Enter the desired phrase and press enter, then you will be asked to enter the same phrase for verifying,



After pressing enter, you will get following screen for details of certificates



Then the certificates will be created and saved in the folder of c:\openssl-WinXX\bin


  • Using this certificates to make http webservice to https webservice


Open your new project or already existing project. Go to creation of TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge object in the project.


create a procedure in the private section of the class as


procedure OnGetSSLPassword(var APassword: String);


and implement


procedure TForm1.OnGetSSLPassword(var APassword: String);


APassword := ‘<your password is pass phrase mentioned while creating ssl certificates>’;



Use the IdSSLOpenSSL unit in uses list.


Change  the code from


FServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);




LIOHandleSSL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL;


FServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);

LIOHandleSSL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(FServer);

LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.CertFile := ‘<Path to cert.pem where it is saved>’;

LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ”;

LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := ‘<Path to key.pem where it is saved>’;

LIOHandleSSL.OnGetPassword := OnGetSSLPassword;

FServer.IOHandler := LIOHandleSSL;
